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Health and Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of our people is as important as their safety. Our philosophy is for our people to return safe and healthy at the end of the day.

A healthy culture at work both energises and motivates people and we want our workforce to enjoy working at FM Conway. Our Employee Assistance Programme provides free, confidential advice and counselling on a range of different issues.

We are now working with Mates in Mind to help raise awareness and understanding of mental health and mental ill-health. By helping people to understand how, when and where they can get support, we can help break the silence and stigma.

As part of our programme to tackle work related ill-health we are providing:

  • Employee Nutrition and Fitness Clinics with a specialist coach
  • Flu Vaccinations for all LGV, heavy plant and confined space operatives
  • Weekly Health Communications focusing on fatigue management, occupational health, dust/silica, noise, hand arm vibration, stress management and mental health
  • Wellbeing Stand Down Days with guest speakers
  • Safety Critical Medicals


Mental Wellbeing

Introducing our 10-year Mental Wellbeing Strategy, Healthier Together.

Our people are our greatest asset, which is why we are committed to raising awareness of mental health problems and promoting the message of good mental health for all.

The strategy has been developed by the FM Conway Healthier Together Steering Group and is designed to be used by any person within the business, providing our people with the tools to take action in the name of mental wellbeing. We want to ensure that everyone is afforded the opportunity of working in a culture where mental wellbeing is valued, and where people can go home safe and well every day.

We understand that a healthy business is a sustainable business and with mental wellbeing as a strategic priority, we are confident that our business will continue to provide services and employment to the communities we live and work within for years to come.

Healthier Together - FM Conway Mental Wellbeing Strategy


Dave Conway – Health

In this video Dave Conway discusses how the gym facilities at FM Conway's head office helped him to achieve his dream of wing-walking. 

Find out more about Wellbeing