Hammering Down on Carbon
Carbon is a word that is becoming increasingly ever-present in our daily lives and it is an agenda that I hope we can keep at the forefront of everyone’s minds going forward as we look at ways to innovate our service offering.
I would like to say thank you to the Hammersmith and Fulham (H&F) Sustainability Team, led by Ian Hawthorn, for meeting with us recently. We were keen to understand their tactics to achieve a carbon neutral goal in 2030 as well as discussing our own carbon targets. And they were interested in how we planned to meet such ambitious goals, citing that we were leading the way for contractors with our commitment to the carbon agenda!
Recently we have been trialling new electric plant and equipment in and around London to support the low carbon delivery in construction. We are anticipating carbon savings of around 70-80% on our traditional delivery method, and we hope to build on this and lead the way using an Innovation Forum that collaborates with many boroughs across London.
FM Conway is well-known in the industry for its commitment to recycling and sustainability and for many years has led the way in the use of recycled materials. Hammersmith and Fulham engineers have been using one of our specialist products, SureLayer – a single-layer high-recycled content mix application - on a number of roads within the borough. After hearing from our technical Surfacing team, they are keen to now roll this out in other areas. Plus, they also expressed an interest in trialling new innovative low carbon products – a fantastic step for us to help create a greener London!
SureLayer is specially designed to reduce carbon whilst maintaining performance and is a fantastic starting point as it has the potential to be used as a steppingstone towards a three-year programme that will help to lower carbon emissions in H&F.
Generally, all of our work has been very positively received and I am feeling very excited about working together with borough’s across London to set an example and lay out a blueprint to drive down carbon and protect our planet.