Increasing Diversity through the Disabled Community
In 2023 we successfully renewed our status as a Disability Confident Leader!
As part of our continued drive to attract, recruit, and retain diverse talent, we concentrate on positive actions to remove barriers to working in the construction sector, with a key focus on those with disabilities.
We are proud to be recognised for our commitment to ensuring that all people have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations, and we hope to continue improving to create a more inclusive industry.

Supporting our People
At FM Conway we have a dedicated network of Mental Health First Aiders across the organisation and provide access to training to assist managers in improving their capability to address colleague mental health and wellbeing issues and make necessary adjustments. We currently have over 100 Mental Health First Aiders in our business.
To assist in the delivery of our 10-year Mental Health Wellbeing Strategy, we set up disability employee forums and invited people with disabilities and without, to actively engage and encourage discussion to better understand barriers to recruitment and progression and learn about how to disrupt and breakthrough said barriers. We have strengthened our links with external providers such as Kent Supported Employment and the Lighthouse Charity to ensure that there is adequate provision for all colleagues who need support on mental health related issues.

Three Tier Assessment

Tier 1: Pre-Design
The works promoter, contractor, and highway authority should walk and cycle the area before any works take place with local community and cycle groups. This is so that the contractor actively experiences and gets a better understanding of the barriers which people face, daily.
Tier 2: Design
The contractor includes considerations from what has been highlighted during Tier 1 into the traffic management design and assessment process.
Tier 3: During Construction
The same groups from Tier 1 return to site during works to walk and cycle the traffic management areas and supply feedback of their experiences. This method can easily be introduced into any mid to long term project.
Partnership with The Education People
FM Conway have developed a close relationship with The Education People. Their Specialist Employment Service provides a range of services to support individuals to gain and sustain paid employment.
The Education People offer training and support within the workplace, which reduces recruitment cost and improves retention. We have recently rolled out four training courses including how to be disability confident, which were available to all FM Conway employees to attend.
Since the partnership began, we have been able to offer work experience, work trials and apprenticeships to some of the Education People's clients.

Recruiting People of all Abilities
FM Conway offers a range of options to help people of all abilities to display their talents at all stages of the recruitment process. Our experienced team of in-house recruiters are always on hand to support you throughout the recruitment journey.
If you would like to discuss a different application method or prefer a work trial to a standard interview, or for any other adaptations that would be beneficial to you, please contact the team directly and we will be happy to help.
Phone: 01732 600 979