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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

FM Conway is committed to creating an inclusive organisational culture that allows everyone to do their best and be their best.
Our aim is to ensure that every opportunity is available to every person across the communities that we serve and beyond, and to do this we are committed to engaging across a wide demographic that affords our people the space and confidence to develop to their full potential.
With sustainability at our heart, we recognise that to be an employer of choice, we must create an inclusive environment to support, nurture, and grow our family for now and for the future.

All Great People

We have created our very own Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Strategy called 'All Great People'. This is our four-year strategy that outlines our positive intent to ensuring that Equity, Diversity & Inclusion is at the very core of our business.

EDI represents the mutual trust, respect, and understanding that we strive for in our organisation and we want everyone who interacts with us both internally and externally to feel supported, valued, and respected through our commitment to EDI.


It is vital that we encourage more women into construction, not just because it is the right thing to do, but because the future of our industry depends on it.

Maria Pratt
Customer Experience Director

Our Approach

To meet our EDI ambitions by 2024, we have established a set of challenging targets and have embraced an immediate and positive challenge to ensure that EDI is central to everything we do.

We will communicate widely to invite participation from our people in shaping the strategy, measuring, and learning along the way, ensuring that we communicate our progress in regular, transparent updates.

Our Progress

We are pleased to introduce our interim progress report which covers the first two years of our strategy (2020 – 2022), and describes some of the actions we have taken, successes we have had, and the challenges we have faced. This outlines our original strategy, as well as the progress we have made against our goals.

You can read our EDI Interim Progress Report below:


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policies:

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy Statement 2022


Gender Pay Gap Report 2021


Gender Pay Gap Report 2022


Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
