Five minutes with the FM Conway Shipping Team
You might be surprised to learn that we run our own shipping service, so we’d like you to meet our in-house shipping team – Jo Barker-Collins, Marine and Rail Replenishment Manager, and Joe Howe, Shipping Assistant. Jo qualified with a Diploma in Ship and Port Agency in 2021, and Joe is following in her footsteps.
The port-side duo handles the delivery of our aggregate supplies by sea into our two wharfs at Erith and Newhaven. Their priority is to ensure each of our seven asphalt plants has a secure supply of aggregates to mix the materials needed to meet the demands of our customers.
Seaborne delivery is the most carbon-efficient method of obtaining aggregate supplies, and as it stands, approximately 60-70% of our aggregate materials are delivered by sea, something the team is very proud of.
Working as shipping agents takes a lot of courage. Not only do they have to fix and operate a tight schedule of vessels weeks in advance, but they must also prepare for the unexpected when the seas get rough.
Read on to find out how they ride the waves and which celebrity they would choose to bring to a team meeting.
Sum up what it’s like doing your job?
Jo: You need nerves of steel, 100% of the time. And no amount of planning can prepare you for what may happen. It’s a monster of a role but really rewarding.
Joe: Having a good memory as there are many moving parts.
Tell us one thing about your job that not many people will know?
Jo: That we operate a 24/7 service, and between the two of us, we always cover the service.
Joe: Jobs can get cancelled when a vessel is already scheduled and on its way. Having to work to a schedule of at least two weeks means that we need to reorganise the materials. Sometimes it’s a fine juggling act.
When the seas get rough, how do you get by?
Jo: The people at FM Conway are great. I can always rely on my co-workers to help solve a problem that may sometimes feel impossible initially.
Joe: I remind myself that everything is short term and with the support of the team, we will achieve our end goal and deliver as we always do.
If you could take any famous person to a team meeting, who would it be and why?
Jo: Jim Carrey for the laughs.
Joe: Robert De Niro or Al Pacino as they would make things happen!
What’s your favourite thing to do locally?
Jo: I play for a local football team - Gravesham Girls and Women’s Football Club.
Joe: I do a lot of boot fairs at the weekends. I’m thrifty and love to haggle!
Thank you to the team for making delivery by sea possible!