Kevin Brown, FM Conway’s Senior Project Manager, explains: “Working with local arts initiative 7 Bridges, our brief was to makeover Loughborough Junction rail bridge on Loughborough Road to transform it from a drab structure into a vibrant focal point for this busy local thoroughfare.”
Delivering Innovation
Inspired by the area’s African and Caribbean culture, the new bridge design features UV lighting and luminescent geometric patterns and lettering. Getting the community involved in the delivery of the bridge upgrade was an important part of the scheme’s aim to bring local people together. FM Conway’s painting team, managed by Dave Otter, prepared and painted the base structure before local artists stencilled on the decorative designs.
Kevin comments: “Our job was to oversee the public’s involvement in the works, making sure that they could participate in a safe and fun way. We held safety inductions with local people and helped them access the bridge with our scissor lifts and cherry pickers. We also put part road closures in place during the works to protect both our teams and the public.
“In cooperation with Lambeth Council’s lighting team, we proposed a specialist astronomical timing system for the lights which adjusts with the seasons to make sure that the lights come on and go off at the correct time of day. Without this system, the timers would’ve had to been adjusted by hand to keep up with annual changes such as British Summertime, so it’s a much more cost-effective way of managing them.”