As well as supporting more sustainable use of materials, the A40 works saw FM Conway introduce an innovative laying technique to speed up delivery and cut costs for TfL. In contrast to traditional methods of laying surfacing materials in two layers at a depth of 100mm, the new material was laid in one layer at a depth of 70mm, expediting the resurfacing process and allowing road users faster access to return to the A40.
The material also incorporated FM Conway’s own designed and manufactured Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB). The use of PMB can significantly improve the durability of highways assets by improving their resistance to rutting and cracking.
Tim Metcalf, Executive Aggregates and Asphalt Director at FM Conway, commented on the importance of the project:
“Our trial with TfL proved that high-recycled surface course materials are able to perform and be environmentally sustainable. The project on the A40 takes this work to the next level, using insights from the trial to make recycling standard practice on the strategic network.
“Using the roads as our quarry cuts costs, reduces carbon footprint and transport movements. It’s a resourceful and time-efficient approach and we’ll be working with customers and partners to help embed it across the industry.”