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Westminster COVID-19 Movement Strategy

Description of Works

As Westminster City Council’s service provider, FM Conway implemented temporary measures across London to help people move around safely and for businesses to reopen as part of the COVID-19 Movement Strategy.

The Movement Strategy involved identifying key locations where interventions could be provided in order to improve the safe movement of pedestrians and cyclists, with a particular focus on routes to and from public transport hubs.

Services used on this project
Delivering Innovation

The scope of works was split into two phases. Phase 1 included footway schemes to widen pavements, cycle schemes to increase cycle capacity, as well as the installation of cycle stands and temporary barriers and bollards to assist with social distancing. Whereas Phase 2 focused on hospitality schemes to assist businesses in reopening as restrictions eased.

In total the Movement Strategy featured:

  • 16 footway schemes
  • 6 cycle schemes
  • 7 combined cycle and footway schemes
  • 37 hospitality schemes
  • 3 street closures
  • 13 school street closures
  • 106 cycle stand installations
  • 9.5km of cables
  • 1.2km of barriers for hospitality measures
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Challenges and Solutions

Due to the evolving landscape around COVID-19, it was crucial that the Movement Strategy was continually monitored with the ability to be flexible and react to changes in conditions. Therefore, the measures were designed to be temporary and at a low cost, as well as in a constant state of review with both stakeholders and residents.



Utilising FM Conway’s self-delivery capability, the team were able to call upon the business’ various divisions to implement measures across Westminster in an efficient and timely manner, ensuring a safer network for the public to navigate throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.