FM Conway Enhances Offering in West Sussex with Award on Council's Major Highways Framework

Leading infrastructure services company, FM Conway, has been appointed to two Lots of West Sussex’s Highways Capital Delivery Services Framework to deliver carriageway and footway resurfacing, in addition to infrastructure improvement schemes.
Having operated in the region since 2020, FM Conway has a long-standing relationship with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and has secured a place on Lot 4 and Lot 6 of the new four-year framework, which will run from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2028 with the option for a further two years.
Selected in part for its unique self-delivery business model and commitment to developing sustainable materials, FM Conway will now compete alongside four other suppliers on each Lot via a mini competition for schemes and projects made available through the framework.
After previously being appointed to Lot 4, the business has been awarded a place on Lot 6 for Infrastructure Improvement projects, allowing the Sevenoaks-based supplier the chance to demonstrate its civil engineering capability within the county. Lot 6 has an estimated value of £58m across the initial four-year contract term and will provide the opportunity to bid for highway improvement schemes ranging from £25,000 to £2m projects, adding a new layer to FM Conway’s strong foundations within West Sussex.
In addition, the business has also once again secured a place on Lot 4 to deliver Carriageway and Footway Resurfacing schemes, after holding a spot on the previous four-year contract from 2020. The new Lot, valued at an estimated £80m, will see FM Conway build on the success of last year’s operations where they completed resurfacing works across more than 90 sites in the county.
The appointment to two Lots of the new framework now enables FM Conway to continue using its industry-leading range of facilities and expertise, such as its bitumen supply and technology centre, to explore new efficiencies surrounding recycling, sustainability, and low carbon materials across West Sussex.
Boasting a key focus on social value with its commitment to skills development, and a well-established structure for enhancing the customer experience via its Considerate Construction principles, FM Conway is well placed to deliver the Council’s ambitions for its residents and communities.
Matthew Smith, Managing Director at FM Conway, said:
“We are proud to be able to continue our work in West Sussex and keep building towards our shared ambitions for greater innovation and sustainable working practices.
“We’ve always had a strong commitment to our customers, and we look forward to exploring new ways of working that will ensure the county’s communities can thrive for years to come.”
Matt Davey, Assistant Director of Highways, Transport and Planning at West Sussex County Council, said:
“We are really pleased to have FM Conway working with the County - continuing a long standing and successful working relationship. FM Conway’s way of working and commitment to improving the sustainability of highway operations were big factors in appointing them to the framework.”